Still working on the manifesto. I really can't get an outcome I'm satisfied with.
Feel The Rhythm In Your Pelvis
For my own Manifesto I have wrote about how to dance and be like the sexy man who is: Elvis Presley.
Becoming more confident using Indesign, my first draft of the manifesto was the black & white one below. I have thought about printing it on a light weight paper to give it an aged feeling. Also I have found this wonder stuff..... I plan to use it on the title or perhaps consider using it over a few of the other illustrations I have. I must thank illustrator Mr Stu Brown for his lovely drawings he very kindly did for me!
After doing this design I then began to look at 1950's film posters for the style of my manifesto. Also I found some real nice soviet posters. yummy. This made me want a crack at few more possible ideas for the design. So below is another one I had a go at. They are both very basic at the moment, but trying to figure out what style I am going to go for.
I chose to recreate the Dada Manifesto. I love the work through this movement so thought best to do something I was interested in.
The main concept behind Dadaism was to work against all traditional methods - so using a lot of collage, print and conflict. This was my first attempt at the re-design.
I learnt a lot of new skills in InDesign, but needs some work. Maybe consider few more layouts and also think about typefaces more.
Bloomin' Simon has got me thinking about grids too... it's tormenting me (good advice though).
Deborah Anzalone

Deborah gave a really inspirational lecture today. It differed greatly from others we have had. Her passion for what she does was clearly what drives her; not the money she earns nor what company she works for. It is this which gives me aspiration. Doing what you love to do.
She loves old people and her exquisite interest in character engrossed me throughout. I was so intrigued by her films and interpretations of character. Deborah showed such great interest and was so open minded about these characters and this is what made the work so personal to her and the people she filmed. There was a incredible feeling of nostalgia and care within her creations.
Over the last few months of lectures, we have heard from male designers, so hearing about a woman's work was particularly enjoyable. I believe men and women have different outlooks and representations of a subject; its good variety to hear both.
Deborah has inspired me to do what I love, enjoy my work and be open minded.
Her enthusiam was just so inspirational.
everythin' aint gonna be right, everything will become right when I'm dancin'
destroying Poor Little 'h'
I may have been working a ridiculous amount this week but the creative juices have still been flowing. Here's some of my idea for destroying my letter h. [ignore lorraine's birthday]
Iconic Photograph
Brief: Tonight, Cat, I'm going to be.....
12th October - 11th December
You are to choose an iconic photo which you are to re-create in the photographic studio. There are two musts: The reference must be evident; and you must be identifiable. It must be emphasised that this is not an exercise in Photoshop, but an exercise in photography and understanding the photographic studio.
Learning outcome : Use a variety of image making techniques and associated media.
Different people have different passions, influences and backgrounds, and for this project I enjoyed seeing what everyone considered an iconic image.
I first came up with a few 'generic' iconic images which many people came up with. But then when I started looking into iconic images more I discovered you could have iconic in many ways. Public iconic, social icon, musical icon, artistic icon.
Here are a few of the photos which I considered recreated:
George Hoyningen
Lee Miller wearing yraid sailor cloth overalls
Marilyn Monroe
David Bailey
The Kray Twins
I really liked all the images which are above, and I particularly like the idea of being both of the characters in The Kray Twins. After deciding on the friday night before my shoot I was going to do this image, I was in WHSmiths and saw the image of Bradey and Hindley on a book cover. Straight away I really thought this would be a great image for myself to do. It is very iconic, meant I could be both characters, and was a challenge.
Bradey & Hindley
Destroying Poor Little 'h'
Brief: Comic Sans Destroyed
19th October - 7th December
You are to produce in the workshop, in 3D, the character h. Twice. The first version is to be made out of wood, the second may be made out of any material you like, just as long as it is brilliant white.
The typeface is Comic Sans. You may not distort or change the typeface in any way other than making it deeper, in the 3D sense. The size is up to you, however.
They are to be produced to the highest specifications and the highest quality finish. The painted wood versions are then to be taken out, as a family group, and photographed.
Following this, you are to take away your individual contribution and destroy it. You must submit a minimum of three images which should document the before, during and after elements.
Working in the 3D workshop was good fun and a change from sitting in front of my laptop. It was a good opportunity to show off my manly carpentry skills and also how dashing I look in steel-cap shoesies (especially for girls).
The process was pretty simple, yet needed some careful skill so as not to cut my fingers off. I think I cut and filed those curves nicely though. Nothing better than a few nice curves and no digit loss.
Now my little letter h is sat in bedroom with it's mate - yellow inflatable H - ready for a nice coat of white paint.
Interaction Logo Project
14th October - 28th October
You are to produce a symbol which communicates interaction, as seen in your presentation. You may use image, type, or a combination of both. The design is to be black and white only. You are to produce two different sized versions on a single sheet of A4 white paper, landscape format; the largest of which should be 150mm on its longest side; the smallest should measure 35mm on its longest side. There should be two lines of copy in 9pt Helvetica in the bottom right-hand corner, which explains the ethos of the design.
Immediately I found this brief a challenge. However I addressed the brief using creative methods I was confident using: paper based sketches, collages and drawings. The initial one hundred logo's were a time consuming process but I gained some interesting outcomes by approaching the brief considering interaction as a form for combining materials and interacting through production of the logo.
After my first crit on the project, It was clear the more successful logos were the more simple ones. The 'sense of play' within my designs was seen as a strength and also the departure of letters gave the logos a depth of negative and positive space. The initial one hundred logos were aesthetically pleasing however, I sacrificed the symbolic value and most importantly the meaning of the logo: interaction.
Considering the crit I received, I went on to experiment making me logos symbolise interaction in a more literal sense. I interacted with the shapes and marks I made. I cut through, intersected lines and cut letters out and flipped them out of the shapes. Here are a few of the designs which I progressed with :
These ideas had a deeper concept within them, however use of a the letter forms was later replaced with a shape as it was seen by others to represent more of an interaction rather than a message.
This was the final Logo which I submitted with its ethos. I feel that this was a simple design and gave the most impact to suggest interaction. From this project I learnt a lot from other peoples ideas and also, I gained some experience using illustrator. I definitely need to strengthen my skills using the program so I can experiment more with my ideas.
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